Interface ParameterReflection

interface ParameterReflection {
    flags: JSONOutput.ReflectionFlags;
    id: number;
    kind: ReflectionKind;
    name: string;
    variant: "param";
    comment?: JSONOutput.Comment;
    defaultValue?: string;
        | JSONOutput.LiteralType
        | JSONOutput.UnknownType
        | JSONOutput.ReferenceType
        | JSONOutput.OptionalType
        | JSONOutput.ArrayType
        | JSONOutput.ConditionalType
        | JSONOutput.IndexedAccessType
        | JSONOutput.InferredType
        | JSONOutput.IntersectionType
        | JSONOutput.IntrinsicType
        | JSONOutput.MappedType
        | JSONOutput.PredicateType
        | JSONOutput.QueryType
        | JSONOutput.ReflectionType
        | JSONOutput.RestType
        | JSONOutput.TemplateLiteralType
        | JSONOutput.TupleType
        | NamedTupleMemberType
        | JSONOutput.TypeOperatorType
        | JSONOutput.UnionType;



id: number

Unique id of this reflection.

The kind of this reflection.

name: string

The symbol name of this reflection.


The parsed documentation comment attached to this reflection.

defaultValue?: string