The name of this component as set by the @Component
Return the application / root component instance.
Return the owner of this component.
getMap the models of the given project to the desired output files. It is assumed that with the project structure:
|- B
|- C
If B
has a UrlMapping, then A
also has a UrlMapping, and C
may or
may not have a UrlMapping. If B
does not have a UrlMapping, then A
may or may not have a UrlMapping, but C
must not have a UrlMapping.
The project whose urls should be generated.
A list of UrlMapping instances defining which models should be rendered to which files.
initializeStops listening to an event.
Starts listening to an event.
renderRenders the provided page to a string, which will be written to disk by the Renderer
Emits an event to all currently subscribed listeners.
Base class of all themes.
The theme class controls which files will be created through the Theme.getUrls function. It returns an array of UrlMapping instances defining the target files, models and templates to use. Additionally themes can subscribe to the events emitted by Renderer to control and manipulate the output process.