Class Logger

A logger that will not produce any output.

This logger also serves as the base class of other loggers as it implements all the required utility functions.



errorCount: number = 0

How many error messages have been logged?

i18n: TranslationProxy = dummyTranslationProxy

Translation utility for internationalization.

level: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info

The minimum logging level to print.

warningCount: number = 0

How many warning messages have been logged?


  • Print the given TypeScript log message.


    • diagnostic: Diagnostic

      The TypeScript message that should be logged.

    Returns void

  • Print the given TypeScript log messages.


    • diagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[]

      The TypeScript messages that should be logged.

    Returns void

  • Log the given error.


    • text: string

      The error that should be logged.

    • Optionalnode: Node

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Has an error been raised through the log method?

    Returns boolean

  • Has a warning been raised through the log method?

    Returns boolean

  • Log the given info message.


    • text: string

    Returns void

  • Print a log message.


    • _message: string

      The message itself.

    • level: LogLevel

      The urgency of the log message.

    Returns void

  • Log the given verbose message.


    • text: string

      The message that should be logged.

    Returns void

  • Log the given warning.


    • text: string

      The warning that should be logged.

    • Optionalnode: Node

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns void