
Tag Kind
TSDoc Reference
TypeDoc specific

The @groupDescription tag can be used to provide additional context about a group of reflections. TypeDoc automatically groups reflections according to their TypeScript kind, but custom groups can be created with the @group tag.

The @groupDescription tag should be placed in the comment for the reflection which contains the group of child reflections.

The first line of the @groupDescription will be taken as the group name, and following lines will be used for the description.


* @groupDescription Events
* Events are for...

export class App extends EventEmitter {
* @group Events

static readonly BEGIN = "begin";

* The `@event` tag is equivalent to `@group Events`
* @event

static readonly PARSE_OPTIONS = "parseOptions";

* The `@eventProperty` tag is equivalent to `@group Events`
* @eventProperty

static readonly END = "end";

See Also