All command line arguments that are passed in without a flag will be parsed as input files. Any options passed on the command line will override options set in a configuration file.
$ typedoc --out path/to/documentation/ path/to/typescript/project/index.ts
Configuration Options
Options which control what files TypeDoc reads.
Input Options
Options which control how input is converted into a project.
- entryPoints
- entryPointStrategy
- alwaysCreateEntryPointModule
- projectDocuments
- exclude
- externalPattern
- excludeExternals
- excludeNotDocumented
- excludeNotDocumentedKinds
- excludeInternal
- excludePrivate
- excludeProtected
- excludeReferences
- excludeCategories
- name
- includeVersion
- disableSources
- sourceLinkTemplate
- gitRevision
- gitRemote
- disableGit
- readme
Output Options
Options which control TypeDoc's output.
- out
- json
- pretty
- emit
- theme
- lightHighlightTheme
- darkHighlightTheme
- highlightLanguages
- customCss
- customFooterHtml
- customFooterHtmlDisableWrapper
- markdownItOptions
- markdownItLoader
- basePath
- cname
- sourceLinkExternal
- lang
- locales
- githubPages
- cacheBust
- hideParameterTypesInTitle
- hideGenerator
- searchInComments
- searchInDocuments
- cleanOutputDir
- titleLink
- navigationLinks
- sidebarLinks
- navigation
- navigationLeaves
- visibilityFilters
- searchCategoryBoosts
- searchGroupBoosts
- hostedBaseUrl
- useHostedBaseUrlForAbsoluteLinks
Comment Options
Options which control how TypeDoc parses comments.
- commentStyle
- useTsLinkResolution
- preserveLinkText
- jsDocCompatibility
- blockTags
- inlineTags
- modifierTags
- cascadedModifierTags
- excludeTags
- externalSymbolLinkMappings
Organization Options
Validation Options
- validation
- treatWarningsAsErrors
- treatValidationWarningsAsErrors
- intentionallyNotExported
- requiredToBeDocumented